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175 Posts in 113 Topics- by 229 Members - Latest Member: drientorn

April 23, 2009, 12:48:58 AM
Coaches CornerGeneral CategoryBuy/Trade/Sell Football StuffCoaching DVD's
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Author Topic: Coaching DVD's  (Read 90 times)

Karma: 0
Posts: 2

« on: March 01, 2009, 08:56:53 AM »

I am getting rid of my library and selling my collection of DVD's cheap.  I will sell any 5 for $25.00, I will pay for shipping.  If you want more you can always make an offer.  Here is what I have.
Shoot me an email if interested.       [email protected] 


Cool Clinic - Zone
Cool Clinic - Screens and Draws
Cool Clinic - Screens
Cool Clinic - Teaching Run Scheme and Pass Pro
Cool Clinic - Fundamentals of Pass Pro
Oregon State - O line drills
Arizona State - O line drills
Cal - O line drills
Penn State LB Drills and East Tennessee State Coaching DB's
Delta State Clinic (1) - 3.3.5 Defense
Delta State Clinic (2) - 3.3.5 Defense
West Virgina Zone - one years worth of zone wide/tight by formation
Oregon State Inside Zone - one years of zone wide/tight by formation
Oregone State Outside Zone- one years of zone wide/tight by formation
KC Chiefs / Clemson U. / Wayne State - Zone cut ups wide/tight
Joe Bugel Counter clinic - clinic of the sounter play
Oregon State Counter- one years worth wide/tight by formation
Oregon State TE drills - zone progression drills
Denver Broncos - 3 games of offensive cuts wide/tight
Jim McNally pass blocking clinic- fundementals and technique
Tony Wise pass pro schemes clinic- schemes and technique
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